If I say that the Mischievous Words is a project I’ll probably slap myself silly because something you love deserves a far more better name than just a project. It is more of a long-lasting dream that has enabled me to put things on a small piece of the virtual world a bit more to my own degree, because here is where my creative spirit what it has been for years – and the author and columnist and actress and director and screenwriter and creative director and repertoire and costume designer and eternal child. While I was in the process of transition to the world of “adult” and saving my desires at the bottom drawer, to wait for some braver and better days, I began to abandon my own dreams because when you reach a certain age they are considered as battling with windmills, the universe conspired and reminded me that in life only dreams make sense. Maybe he could have done it in a better and less painful way, but perhaps with such a stubbornness, it couldn’t go any other way.